We already have records going back several months so if you are interested in viewing them, go to our news page http://www.overtownfarm.co.uk/News--Blog-and-downloads.html where you can find an archive of records in the "Downloads" section. It is worth it alone for Johns' wonderful picture of Mandarin ducks!
So, here are the records for July so far.....
13th July 2011
South of Overtown farm at 9.30am on new mown hay, 20 Mistle thrushes, 30 Starlings, 1 Raven, 1 Herring gull, 130 Rooks, 110 Jackdaws. At garden feeders and on lawn , Ebworth park cottages between 1.30pm...2pm , 1 juv Nuthatch,a male, female and juvenile Great spotted woodpeckers, pair of Bullfinches, female pied wagtail, 2 Goldfinches and 1 juv, female Blackbird, pair of House sparrows, max of 8 young Blue tits and 2 adults and 4 young Great tits. 2 young Carrion crows and male , female and 2 young Chaffinches.
15th July 2011
In scrub near Foston's Ash 8.30am, 1 male Redstart in moult, 2 Goldcrests, 1
Treecreeper, 1 Coal tit, 6 Blue tits, 3 Great tits, 1 Robin, pr Bullfinches, 2
West of Overtown farm in hedge and on fence 9.30am, 1 male Redstart, 1 male Whitethroat, plus, in field feeding on arable seeds, flock of finches with 6 Linnets, 5 Goldfinches and 50 + Greenfinches.
18th July 2011
Today at Ebworth park cottages, 8.30am, 3 Willow warblers arrived in the garden with a number of Blue tits and Great tits, the w.w's flitted around briefly before heading off down the adjacent field towards the scrubby area, the tits stayed around long enough to sample the peanuts and fat balls. A Raven in moult and 3 un-moulting birds flew over north-east calling at 3.30pm.